Ryan Olmetti-Wilde

Advisory Teacher of the Vision Impaired – VI Lead 

Ryan Olmetti-Wilde

Qualifications – MA in Education, PG in teaching learners with VI, Cert in English Language Teaching to Adults, Cert in Education 

Ryan is lead advisory teacher of the vision impaired and has worked for the academy since 2018. Ryan completed his teacher training in further education, where he worked as a lecturer for 12 years, completing an MA in Education during this time. Ryan then moved across to teaching at Joseph Clarke School for visual impairment and complex needs where he trained to become a qualified teacher of the vision impaired. Transferring across to outreach work in 2021. In his spare time, he likes doing calligraphy and lino-cut printing, he has an Instagram called @notblindtoart with art that can be seen by those with low vision or touched or heard by those with no sight.